
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

1862 Dakota Massacre

Boxing day week is the celebration of the 1862 Dakota massacre. It was the largest execution death sentence. 4000 civilians cheered as 38 Sioux’s were hung, thefederal government failed to honor there promises; the rope was cut into small pieces and distributed to the spectators. 307 warriors were condemned to die but 38 were sentenced to death by rope.
Between 1805 and 1858, treaties made between the U.S. government and the Dakota nation. These treaties had significant impact on the lives of the Dakota people and the European-Americans. 
The U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 lie in those treaties. Minnesota has been the main home land for the Dakota for thousands of years. The real truth behind the Massacre goes back before 1862. Dec 26th is the week of boxing day week. The celebration week of the hanging was on Dec 26th of 1862 which carried on though to Dec 31st.
When Minnesota became a state on May 11, 1858, representatives of several Dakota bands led by Little Crow traveled to Washington, D.C., to negotiate about enforcing existing treaties. 
The northern half of the reservation along the Minnesota River was lost, and rights to the quarry at Pipestone, Minnesota, were also taken from the Dakota. The United States Senate deleted Article 3 of each treaty
which set out reservations, during the ratification process. On August 15, 1862, they were rejected food and supplies. 
Payments were guaranteed; the US government was often behind or failed to pay. Most land in the river valley was not arable, and hunting could no longer support the Dakota community. 
The Dakota became increasingly discontented over their losses: land, non-payment of annuities, past broken treaties, plus food shortages and famine following crop failure. Tensions increased through the summer of 1862. 
This broke out into a war where 38 Sioux’s were hung and there land was taken.

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