
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Healing Circle Prayer Requests Page

Everyone of us need love, support and prayer in times of need.
Life can be hard & feels especially so when we feel alone.
Please feel free to include any and all honour requests, prayer requests or remembrances you may have on this page.
We will honour your requests and uphold you and your situation in our prayers and ceremonies to Creator.
Blessings & Love to all.



  1. Please pray for my husband, Rick. He is undergoing several kinds of tests to find out why eating can be difficult at times and why he is losing blood, and from where. I ask for prayers of healing, inside and out, of body, mind, and soul, so he can continue to do the good work he does on behalf of us and so many others. I gratefully and deeply thank you. Gina

  2. HI Gina,
    We will be honoured to pray for your husband. Times like this can be trying but we know there is a Higher Power who knows all things and can bring about transformations. If it is alright with you, I'd like to ask other Brothers and Sisters to join in with smudgings & prayer also on your husbands behalf.
    Keep believing and trusting for the answer.
    All things are possible and nothing is impossible if we reach out for what we want to see happen.
    Our prayers are with you, your husband and your family.
    Love and Blessings.

  3. Please pray for me to be alive and have a real life again also to have an astrology sign and be my true self again. Cyndi Hack

  4. Dear Cindy,
    I will be offering up prayers for you in your request.
    If there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to contact me.
    I also do private counselling and instruction.
    Please feel free also to write at:
    for anything that you want kept private if that helps.

  5. Dear God,
    I just found out that some of my property has been stolen. I am learning that loss and suffering are not Your will for me. Amen
    There is a man craig porter klein he is a predator scopes out the situation then pockets the goods your goods, my goods he did this to me Please return my heirlooms safely back to me Amen
    May Karma find him and make him account for his evilness, may he be consumed in dreams and Awake to return my things safely and timely back to me Amen
